



VISSONI produces furs extremely durable to frequent use and harsh conditions. All that is required on your part is a minimal level of care and attention. Do not fold your coat or enclose it in any kind of plastic or nylon bag. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Hang it in your wardrobe on a broad coat hanger, making sure that there is enough space around in for air to circulate.
Shake the coat lightly to restore maximum fluffiness. Do not brush it, comb it or use any kind of aerosol spray on it.
If your fur gets wet in heavy rain or melting snow, hang it on a broad coat hanger in a shady place and allow it to dry naturally, far away from any source of artificial heat. During summer months it is advisable to put your fur in storage in the special installations of a reputable furrier in your locality. This is also a good time to check your coat for any minor damage it might have suffered or problems which might have arisen during its use in winter. Seek the services of a professional furrier if your coat needs general cleaning or freshening up. It is advisable to have this done every two years, as it will most certainly add years to the life of your coat.